- avatar  By Songmonk magazine - 5 years ago

After making it into the Top 30 of the HypeMachine Charts with ‘High Waist to Hell’ and reaching over 20.000 Streams on Spotify in less than a month with her last single ‘Psycho’, the 21-year-oldex-Metal singer Cloudy June is now back with her new release ‘Pretty Pills For Broken Hearts’.

For 3 years she was on her way as the singer of a death metal band. Now the 21-year-old artistCloudy June is going solo and proves on her new music that she has left surprisingly little of herpast behind.

"After a listen it is clear that Cloudy June is a force to be reckoned with" writes BuzzMusic in Aprilabout the young independent artist.

Titled "one of Berlin's promising emerging songwriters" as early as 2018, the self-made musician now counts over 120,000 streams on Spotify. Though her first demos, which she released at the tender age of 14, were only meant for her friends at first. Even at that time people became aware of her unusually rough and mature sounding voice, which is her distinctive feature to this day. Spotify, too has already taken notice of the half-cuban artist and secured her a place in the coveted Fresh Finds: Pop Playlist with ‘High Waist to Hell’.
After ‘High Waist to Hell’ and ‘Psycho’ Cloudy June now takes us on a journey through wonderland with her new single ‘Pretty Pills For Broken Hearts’.“Hello Alice, how you been” is the first line of the song. And from there the crazy trip begins.

‘Pretty Pills For Broken Hearts’ is Cloudy’s first release with Songmonk. On behalf of the whole team: Welcome to the family Cloudy!

Check out the song on our "New Music Radar” Spotify playlist here:

And for all other streaming services, click here:

Find Cloudy June online:



YouTube: https://

